Saturday, November 22, 2014

Coding Bootcamp? I Wish!

I've been thinking hard about how best to go from some experience in coding, to landing an entry level job. There are hundreds of forum and reddit posts discussing the subject, as well as articles and books. Recently I have discovered "Coding Bootcamps." Essentially you dedicate a full working day or more EVERY day to learning how to program. Most are 9-12 week programs which give a guarantee that you will land a job within 90 days of completion making a minimum of 60K.

This is the type of learning I am most interested in. When I want to learn something new, I can't stand taking it slow. The idea of spending 4 years in a university JUST to get beginner knowledge of the subject is a dreadful thought to me.

I would pick up and leave for one of these camps by the end of the day if it was possible. Unfortunately I do not have near the resources available to do that. I did try to apply for some loans for around 8400 to pay living expenses but they are all denied. I really don't know how people can manage to do these things without already having a massive amount saved up or getting significant help from family.

Sucks, but that's life. Well that won't stop me from just means I'll have to figure out on my own what is best to study and give myself projects to work on. Also it will take a bit longer I assume, based on the fact that I can only spend 2-4 hours a day coding as opposed to 12-16.

The one that looks most interesting to me is actually one from where I live in San Antonio called Codeup They offer a "Master" program in addition to their 4 month bootcamp, which puts you in a similar scenario but with the goal of becoming an absolute guru in coding. I'll put that one aside as the dream scenario, but with maybe a 1% probability of me ever having the financial means to do something of that caliber.

Takes money to make money!

For now, I'll continue pushing along and doing personal projects while reading and coding in my free time.

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