Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First Post!

Just wanted a simple blog to post thoughts and updates on. I'll add more later when I get a chance.

Currently a bit annoyed at trying to learn vim so much, and then I am ending up not using it all because the code complete sucks hard.

The code complete isn't much better for Python using pydev in Eclipse...but w/e. Perhaps I may end up using vim for Python dev, and Eclipse for Java?

In any case, I'm going to try and power through this gamedev in Python course from

I still have to set up some other things but I am slowly getting more comfortable with Linux, my editing tools, and finding the resources that I need.

I want to do so many things, but feel my time is very limited ... or perhaps I just get easily distracted. I am so into it right now that it is very hard to peel myself away long enough to do things like...go to the grocery store for food. That said I am at least being efficient and cooking meals for the entire work week via slow cooker / Quiche.

Well that's it for now. I'm going to post up my samples and what not when I make some. For now I'll do my best to at least get an elementary understanding of github so that changes can be placed there. Since I am using Eclipse it would be good for me to learn how to use it's git plugin.

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