Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dev Update 2/2

Well nothing major to report from this week. Essentially we can count out 2 weeks from jan. I am waiting for the macbook pro, which should arrive today, unless James is not around to sign for it. Which he might not be. Ive tried to relax, and keep my mind off of things, but that has been very difficult. Every day that goes by, I want to work on a project and move on to a real job more and more.

I looked up another potential blog plat called which allows posting from evernote...might be cool but I might buckle eventually and just do wordpress. Its just simple and has a lot of plugins for what ill be doing. Depends on if I can get it to run okay in a /blog directory while my main site runs on rails.

Ill be moving on to learning css3 this coming week. Hopefully I don't get bogged down too hard on anything. I really want to blaze through it so that I can begin focusing on javascript learning, and have that nailed down by March. During this past week I was planning on getting through some books but most of what I have is technical, and there was little point in anything  but skimming it for reference points for the future. The best way to learn the material is to actually code things.

I hope to have a good experience jumping into using a macbook for the first time. Hopefully it doesn't tale up the entire day, and I can begin focusing on coding. That said I am just going to go straight into vim from the beginning, and pick up any tricks and plugins etc along the way. If I can force myself to start off with best practices I feel that's I will have the best results in the long run.

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