I hate sleep. I hate eating. I wish I was a cyborg! Seriously though, think of how much of your life is WASTED sleeping. Just THINK how much experience, how much of a difference you could make, how awesome life would be if we didn't have to spend HOUUURS sleeping and eating.
Well, I've scrunched up the eating part as much as I can without literally hiring a personal chef to sit meals in front of me while I'm coding. I batch all of my week's meals up into slow cooker meals which take like 10 minutes to eat, and can be eaten while reading or watching a screen cast. I still spend probably 2-3 hours total a week on the shopping / prep though. I may consider cooking for a whole month out and freezing meals.
As for sleep, meh. Just meh! Well, I would totally be down for doing the Uberman schedule atm (sleep 20 minutes every 4 hours) but I am a slave to a job so that won't work. On the other hand though, I have learned recently that I can move my schedule down to about 4-5 hours of sleep safely. Studies have shown that 5 hours of sleep is actually more healthy than 8 hours. HA! I was at 6 hours, which is pretty optimal but I'll give 5 hours a whirl for this next month and see if I feel any worse or if my productivity suffers. So far so good though!
I got my Middleman site up and running. You can check it out at colbycheeze.com. Chances are it won't look as shitty as it does as of writing this, because I'll be rapidly iterating on it. I just threw it up so that I would feel pressured to fix the most important stuff quick, now that it is public. Hey, that's all the rage now days right? Just ship it! haha.
I was asked to do a talk at our local Ruby meetup, so I am excited about that. I'm going to title it "Level up your workflow with Tmux and Vim." The talk is next week, so I'll have to devote some time to condensing some fun hacks to show off into a 10-15 minute time slot. Obviously I can't school everyone on how it all works, but the idea is to plant the seed of "Oh, WOW! This is cool, I want to learn more."
I think I'll do these dev blogs every other day now, rather than just twice a week. Now that I am adding in an extra hour to my day, and possibly even two because of a new work schedule that will have less traffic (less commute time), I'll be getting in essentially a full work day of Pomodoros in the morning! Well, I hope anyway. Hah, I swear nothing ever goes as planned.
My schedule should look something like this:
Friday through Tuesday:
- Wake up at 5am, get started with the day's project / learning / content creation at around 5:30 after getting water and coffee.
- Get in 3 full pomodoro cycles (6 hours, or 12 total pomodoros)
- Do any "getting ready" and/or work on "tool sharpening" until I have to leave for work around 12
- Get home at 11-ish, wind down by getting the coffee and water ready, reading tweets or w/e, and reading a book for an hour or w/e.
- Bed by 12, and rinse/repeat.
Weds and Thurs:
- These days will basically look the same, except I have a huge chunk of day to be more free with doing less important but still "want to do" tasks and reading various blogs, looking over videos, researching stuff etc.
- I'm also more likely to relax a bit and maybe play a round of Mario Kart on one of these days, since I guess that's something we as humans are supposed to do to avoid burnout.
Well that's it. Time to get back to tweaking my new website, and possibly finish up this talk for next week. See you in two days!
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