Thursday, February 26, 2015

The new website design is slowly coming together

Designing with CSS is like trudging through mud

My website design is coming along slowly but surely. It takes way longer to do things, which when I begin them seem like it would be very quick. It took me about 2 hours to get all of the kinks out of positioning my top nav bar for my website, due to some positioning issues and pixels coming out of seemingly nowhere lol. Here is what the current iteration looks like.

I now have to wireframe the footer section, and get the content area to have an aside, or widget pane. Once the basic framework is done, I can start tweaking the typography and coloring of the page. Overall it's close, but I definitely have a ways to go. I am hoping to have it about 90% done by the end of the week (that 10% being the part that will take the longest if you know what I mean)


Yesterday I was able to complete about 12 pomodoros. Towards the end of the day I was a little confused on where the rest of the time went haha. After about 12 hardcore focused sessions my brain just gets fried I suppose.

The major win was just learning more about how the Bourbon family of tools works, and some additional CSS styling gotchas. Today I have a lot of chores I need to get done, as well as preparing for my talk so I'll be a bit scattered. I spent several hours this morning viewing Upcase videos on workflow, Tmux, and Vim in order to get some ideas for my talk.

That just goes to show that by teaching and doing talks you will become a better developer, as it forces you to become knowledgable in the subject you are presenting. That said, I'll really think hard about what I want to learn and then make that a topic that I present on in the future!

Well, that's it really for today. We will see how the design is shaping up in a couple of days. See you then!


  1. Yeah, CSS drives me crazy -- although I suppose it's better than the alternative. It's not even just the coding or tool-use that's the problem, it's needing to test on all the platforms out there as well... even for mobiles these days. At least some of those older versions of Internet Explorer are dead now.

    Lavonne @ Optimal Rol

  2. I cannot agree more CSS is a lot of work sometimes especially when you first get to know it and figure out the limitations. But all in all it has always produced a decent website for me and I enjoyed reading your post about it. Makes me want to improve upon my own website. Thank you again for the post.

    Russell Beck @ 5 Star Brand

  3. For some reason, reading your blog made me realize how hard web design is. Thinking about it, yes it does in fact seem elaborate and the designer needs to have lots of knowledge about this and a very open mind. I had no clue! Thanks for making me think outside the box. Very encouraging to potential web designers. I've enjoyed learning from you.

    1. Thanks for the comment! It's funny looking back on this post as I was learning. Certainly all of these things are much easier now, and I am way more competent on coming up with designs so the good news is with practice and experience things get better.
