Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It's Project Time

Wow, it's been only just over 2 weeks since I began the Rails section of The Odin Project, and actually just less than  a month since I started the entire course and I am nearing completion. Sitting at 84% complete, I have finished up all of the reading, and the only thing that remains is completing my flight booker app, the APIs projects, mailers, and then the final project.

That said, it could take another 1-2 weeks just to complete those projects alone (not sure). Either way, it feels great to be where I am at. Every line of code that I figure out in these projects is a huge advancement and teaches me a lot, while solidifying all of the things I have read up to now.

I don't know 100% for sure, but I believe that I can work through all of the remaining projects except for the 'Final' project by the end of tomorrow. The Final project (build Facebook) will be the difficult one due to all of the advanced associations and forms I'll have to build, which have been my speed bumps at the moment. That is good news however, because each time I break down a misunderstanding I am able to comprehend a broader range of the overall structure of Rails etc.

I wouldn't mind looking for some open source projects to contribute to after this. I am not sure what would be the best to look for, but I'll be keeping my eye out. Even if it is some minor changes, it would feel great to get that little bit of experience under my belt so to say.

On the other end of things, I have almost completed my Home Media solution. I have my shows set up to autodownload via showRSS integrated with my qBittorrent, which then runs a script via Filebot that auto sorts and fetches additional images and metadata. After that, I can watch any of my shows via my Plex app installed on our smart TV, my tablet, or straight from the web app running on my local machine.

The next thing I need to do, is install RasPlex onto my Raspi so that I can use it on the TV in my room which isn't a smart TV.

Well, that is about all I've got so far. Same as usual, back to coding with the hopes of not getting stuck on one line of code for 2 hours (yes that happened last week...was having trouble concentrating)

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