Friday, December 12, 2014

Study fest complete. wow

Wow what a trip. So for my three day study fest I was able to learn so much. I PRETTY much got through the entire ruby language,  and two decent sized rails intro courses. Now I am ready to get into some real meat.

I have several projects that I want to do within the full ruby section on TOP. So while I may not complete every section or project since some of it will just be a rehash for me..I still want to spend time learning algorithms and some basic io stuff as well as getting into doing web requests  via the twitter spambot project.

Ill most likely be jumping back and forth between some ruby stuff and doing the rails tutorials. I also may modify the projects to render something pretty into processing framework just for fun and to show it off also. In fact, I may even just do the ruby projects in javascript to fresh up on my knowledge there. Its more about learning the concepts than the language that I use.

Im getting better at using vim and infact learned that I can use it within sublime. I do like sublime but imay need to compare it to something like rubymine which I just learned about.

Well, I am hoping by the end of the month ill be bery much closer to a solid understanding of what rails can do.

I had so much fun learning for 12 hours a day but it was rough. I took a few hours to relax and watch interstellar yesterday and I am already refreshed to keep learning more.

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